The Dr. Robert Blackburn Advocacy, Policy and Systems Efforts for Advancing Health Education and Promotion Award

The Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education (FAHE) Board of Directors is honored to support an award in the name of Dr. Robert Blackburn. Dr. Blackburn served as a President of FAHE and was actively engaged in and supported community-focused health education. This $1,000 award may be presented to an individual annually. 

The award is presented annually during the Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference. Although the successful award winner is encouraged to attend the ceremony, they are not required to do so to accept the award.

The Foundation for the Advancement of Health Education (FAHE) is seeking nominations for the Dr. Robert Blackburn Advocacy, Policy and Systems Efforts for Advancing Health Education and Promotion Award. This award recognizes a professional or advocate that is contributing to equity and justice through recent, significant work with advocacy, policy or systems relevant to health education and promotion. 

The nomination packet may include artifacts which exist in different stages of development including works that have recently been developed all the way to artifacts which demonstrate change from the efforts. We invite your nominations for this award—nominations may be made by the individual themselves or from others. Nominations for advocates, professionals and from under-resourced communities are encouraged.  

Nominees or nominators are required to complete and forward an application packet using the electronic form. All applications will be evaluated based upon the caliber and significance of their work based on submitted documentation.

  1. FAHE Award Form with contact information for the nominator, nominee and selected stakeholder.
  2. A letter of nomination which must include a description of the nominee’s role and the contribution through advocacy, policy or systems that created positive change relevant to health education and promotion (maximum 2 pages).
  3. A resume, CV, bio sketch or personal story for the nominee.
  4. Demonstration of advocacy, policy, systems or environmental work through a submitted artifact that demonstrates implementation and change with a clear articulation of its relation to equity and social justice and health education and promotion (Artifacts may include but are not limited to: legislation, manuscripts, published works, policy, and/or manuals [i.e., policy manual]).
  6. Statement or artifact that documents the work’s stage of development, recency and relevancy, and the status of change or description of the intended change (maximum 1 page).
  7. A letter from a stakeholder which confers or verifies the nominee’s efforts and stakeholder involvement on the significant work influencing community change, equity, and health education and promotion (maximum 2 page).

The award selection committee will review the complete nomination packet and artifacts to determine the award winner. Criteria for this award are listed below:

  • Role played by nominee – evidence of convening and working with stakeholders; gathering data and information to determine needs and gaps; facilitating design and development; actively writing and authoring materials
  • Description of the Work – artifacts will provide a clear articulation of the work; illuminate the impact on equity and social justice through health education and promotion; reviewers have a clear understanding of the work and its impact; what needed to be done, what was done and how these pieces came together; reviewers have enough perspective on the work as to how it was carried out and/or created change
  • Artifact(s) – Artifacts are clearly linked to the work and provide reviewers with enough perspective as to how it was carried out and/or created change
  • Stage of Development and Change – articulates where the work is in its stage of development and implementation; articulate, with data, the change or intended change to advance equity and social justice through health education and promotion efforts
  • Stakeholder involvement – stakeholder letter and artifacts indicate how stakeholders were gathered, convened, and included; indicates how an asset-based approach influenced the community or priority population and outcome of the work; inclusion of stakeholder voice is reflected in the outcome of the work

See previous award recipients.

Submit your nomination for the Dr. Robert Blackburn Advocacy, Policy and Systems Efforts for Advancing Health Education and Promotion Award by completing the form below.

Deadline to apply for this award is November 30, 2024.

Nominee Information


Nominator Information



The award selection committee will review the complete nomination packet and artifacts to determine the award winner. Criteria for this award are listed below:

  • Role played by nominee – evidence of convening and working with stakeholders; gathering data and information to determine needs and gaps; facilitating design and development; actively writing and authoring materials
  • Description of the Work – artifacts will provide a clear articulation of the work; illuminate the impact on equity and social justice through health education and promotion; reviewers have a clear understanding of the work and its impact; what needed to be done, what was done and how these pieces came together; reviewers have enough perspective on the work as to how it was carried out and/or created change
  • Artifact(s) – Artifacts are clearly linked to the work and provide reviewers with enough perspective as to how it was carried out and/or created change
  • Stage of Development and Change – articulates where the work is in its stage of development and implementation; articulate, with data, the change or intended change to advance equity and social justice through health education and promotion efforts  
  • Stakeholder involvement – stakeholder letter and artifacts indicate how stakeholders were gathered, convened, and included; indicates how an asset-based approach influenced the community or priority population and outcome of the work; inclusion of stakeholder voice is reflected in the outcome of the work