2011, Volume 14, Number 1

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Note: Published as The International Electronic Journal of Health Education

Table of Contents


The Healthy Web – Access to Online Health Information for Individuals with Disabilities
          Brian Geiger, R. R. Evans, M. A. Celletti, K. Hogan Smith, Marcia R. O’Neal, S. L. Firsing III, P. Chandan

The Role of Health Education Specialists in Supporting Global Health and the Millennium Development Goals
          Brian F. Geiger, Thomas Davis, Bojana Beric, Michele K. Devlin

E-Health Literacy Competencies among Undergraduate Health Education Students: A Preliminary Study
          Bruce Hanik

Parental Perspectives on Alcohol Use among School–Aged Children in Ghana
          Cecilia Obeng

Factors Associated with School Teachers’ Perceived Needs and Level of Adoption of HIV Prevention Education in Lusaka, Zambia
          Margaret Henning, Chunheui, Chi, Sunil K. Khanna

Exploration of Health Concerns and the Role of Social Media Information among Rural and Urban Adolescents: A Preliminary Study
          Ruthann Lariscy, Bryan Reber, Hye-Jin Paek

An Early Window of Opportunity for Promoting Girls’ Health: Policy Implications of the Girl’s Puberty Book Project in Tanzania
          Marni Sommer

Advance Directives for End-of-Life Care and the Role of Health Education Specialists: Applying the Theory of Reasoned Action
          Mary Jane Tremethick, Maureen K. Johnson, Mary R. Carter

The Reliability and Construct Validity of American College Students’ Responses to the WHOQOL-BREF
          Michelle D’Abundo, M. M. Orsini, J. J. Milroy, C. L. Sidman