Note: Published as The International Electronic Journal of Health Education
Table of Contents
Evaluation of a Computer-based Patient Education and Motivation Tool on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice towards Influenza Vaccination
Ashish Joshi, Richard Lichenstein, James King, Mohit Arora, Salwa Khan
Urban Men’s Knowledge and Perceptions Regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections in Pakistan
Ali Mohammad Mir, Laura Reichenbach, Abdul Wajid
Differences in Reliability of Reproductive History Recall Among Women in North Africa
Amr Soliman, Katharine Allen, An-Chi Lo, Mousumi Banerjee, Ahmed Hablas, Abdellatif Benider, Nadya Benchekroun, Salwa Samir, Hoda G. Omar,
Sofia Merajver, Patricia Mullan
The Relationship between Parental Health, Family Functioning and Adolescent Body Mass Index
Carl Hanson, M. Lelinneth L. B. Novilla, Michael D. Barnes, Dennis Eggett, Lisa Schiffman, Lori Sugiyama
Exercise Self-Efficacy and Perceived Wellness among College Students in a Basic Studies Course
Cara L. Sidman, Michelle Lee D’Abundo, Nancy Hritz
Historical Research: A Thematic Analysis of Convention and Conference Themes for Selected Professional Health Education Associations from 1975 to 2009
Jill M. Black, Valerie A. Ubbes
Using Organization Development Concept to Conduct Administrative Assessment of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan – A Preliminary Study
Jen-Jen Huang, Gwo-Liang Yeh, Chie-Chien Tseng, Wei William Chen, Yin-Jinn Hwu, Donald Da-Shyong Jiang
A Critical Review of Computer-Assisted Learning in Public Health via the Internet, 1999-2008
Kirsten W. Corda, Georgia N. L. J. Polacek
Correlates of Cigarette Smoking among Male Chinese College Students in China: A Preliminary Study
Kaigang Li, Noy S. Kay
Priority Health Behaviors Among South African Undergraduate Students
Kandice Porter, Ping Hu Johnson, Jane Petrillo
Usability Test of an Interactive Dietary Recording
Louisa Ming Yan Chung, Joanne Wai Yee Chung, Thomas Kwok Shing Wong
A Culturally Appropriate Framework for Educating Collegiate International Students about Alcohol
Laura Esch, Valerie A. Ubbes
Physical Activity Levels in Normal Weight and Overweight Portuguese Children: an Intervention Study during an Elementary School Recess
Luís Lopes, Vítor Lopes, Beatriz Pereira
Exploring a Virtual Conference Web Site for Undergraduate Health Education Students
Maureen Johnson, Mary Jane Tremethick
Readability Levels of Health-Based Websites: From Content to Comprehension
Mary Schutten, Allison McFarland
Preparing Culturally Competent Health Educators: The Development and Evaluation of a Cultural Immersion Service-Learning Program
Mary Jane Tremethick, Eileen M. Smit
Hopelessness and Suicidal Behavior among Chinese, Thai and Korean College Students and Predictive Effects of the World Health Organization’s WHOQOL-BREF
Noy Kay, Kaigang Li, Xia Xiao, Nattiporn Nokkaew, Bock-Hee Park
Cost of Health Education to Increase STD Awareness in Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh
Nahid Rianon, Beatrice Selwyn, S. M. Shahidullah, J. Michael Swint, Luisa Franzini, Rafia Rasu
Physician-based Tobacco Smoking Cessation Counseling in Belgrade, Serbia
Ray Merrill, Tanner Harmon, Heather Gagon