Note: Published as The International Electronic Journal of Health Education
Table of Contents
Brief Continuing Medical Education (CME) Module Raises Knowledge of Developing Country Physicians
Amr S. Soliman, Shahed Samadi, Mousumi Banerjee, Robert M. Chamberlain, Zeba Aziz
Onset of Smoking Behaviors and Participation in Leisure Physical Activities of Turkish Adolescents Attending Vocational Health Schools
Feryal Subasi, William Hey, Gonca Mumcu, Leyla Koksal, Emel Luleci, Haydar Sur
Risk Perceptions, Barriers, and Self-Efficacy of Hepatitis B Screening and Vaccination among Chinese Immigrants
Grace X. Ma, Steven S. Shive, Jamil Toubbeh, Dunli Wu, Ping Wang
Health Issues for the Hmong Population in the U.S.: Implications for Health Educators
Helda Pinzon-Perez
Young Cancer Patients’ Perceptions of a Video Game Used to Promote Self Care
Ivan L. Beale, Verónica M. Marín-Bowling, Nicole Guthrie, Pamela M. Kato
Russian Science Teachers’ Knowledge of HIV/AIDS: Implications for Teacher Training
Julie Avina, Kathleen O’Connell
Using Online Discussion Forums to Promote Critical Reflection among Pre and In-Service HIV/AIDS Educators and Service Providers
Jena Nicols Curtis
I Sing the Body Electric: Description of an Innovative Health Promotion and Fine Arts Program for Adolescents
Kathleen Phillips, Julie Dietz, Mark Borzi, Gaye Harrison
Using Rubrics to Increase the Reliability of Assessment in Health Classes
Lynette Silvestri, Jeffrey Oescher
Comparison of Effectiveness of Computerized and Conventional Fixed and Learning Module in Undergraduate Pathology Teaching
Manoharan Madhavan, Gurjeet Kaur
Adolescents Engaging in Risky Sexual Behavior: Sexual Activity and Associated Behavioral Risk Factors in Bolivian Adolescents
M. Lelinneth B. Novilla, Kirk A. Dearden, Benjamin T. Crookston, Natalie De La Cruz, Susan Hill, Scott B. Torres
What Do Expectant Mothers Know about Neonatal Jaundice?
Olusoga B. Ogunfowora, Peter O. Adefuye, Musili B Fetuga
Impact of Menu Sequencing on Internet-Based Educational Module Selection
Robert Bensley, John J. Brusk, Jason Rivas, Judith V. Anderson
Health Status of Immigrants from Nepal in the United States: Preliminary Findings and Methodological Issues
Srijana M. Bajracharya, Mark K. Bentley
Physical Activity Patterns During School Recess: A Study in Children 6 to 10 Years Old
Victor Lopez, Catarina Margarida Silva Vasques, Maria Beatriz Ferreira Leite de Oliveira Pereira, José António Ribeiro Maia
Reproductive Health: An Introduction to IUCD in India
Vrijesh Tripathi, Deoki Nandan
HIV-Related Knowledge and Attitudes among First Year Medical Students in Mumbai, India
Yogindra Samant, Ranjit Mankeshwar, Lalit Sankhe, David L. Parker
Exploration of Social Cognitive Factors Associated with Physical Activity Among Chinese-American Children
Yan Zhang, Rita DiGioacchino DeBate